Visual Basic Source Code
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║ Visible::Serialization(tm) ║
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║ developers' serialization utilities ║
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║ append serial numbers (or other identifiers) to .exe files ║
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║ a product of RCCO Research ║
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Visible::Serialization(tm) is a utilities set primarily intended for
developers so that they may append serial numbers (or other identifiers) to
.exe files, create and/or increment such serial numbers, and search for and
verify/display serializations. Users other than developers may use
Visible::Serialization to initialize purchased software applications with
ownership, security-related, or other identifying marks.
A unique serial number going out with each copy of an application affords
the developer with a possible opportunity to identify, if need be, the
registered client of a particular copy. The end-user is normally unaware
of the existence of such a mark, its location, its method of placement or
the method of reading/verifying. Its absence or modification may provide
evidence of tampering.
Visible::Serialization may be used with most traditional MS-DOS or Windows
executables, including those created with CA-Clipper, Borland Turbo Pascal,
QuickBASIC, PowerBasic, Visual Basic(tm) for Windows or DOS, FoxPro, Clarion,
C/C++, etc.
The chief advantages, aside from the utilities themselves, are both low cost
and method of acquiring. The copy included herewith is a fully-functional
evaluation copy available easily and universally through the user-supported
software marketplace.
The Visible::Serialization package
This set of utilities consists of the following primary files:
CREATESN.EXE (create or increment a serialno.dat file)
APPENDSN.EXE (append a serial string in serialno.dat to an .exe)
SEARCHSN.EXE (search/verify an .exe for a serial string)
Also included are:
SN2A.BAT (sample batch file for production of successive
serializations on distribution diskettes)
SERIALNO.DAT (sample numerical serial number data file for
reading by APPENDSN.EXE; not needed or
necessarily distributed with applications)
SAMPLE.EXE (sample c file .exe on which to practice append
and search sessions)
Using Visible::Serialization
You may use CreateSN.exe to create an ASCII text file called serialno.dat
containing a beginning numerical sequence or an alphanumeric string to be
used by the AppendSN.exe utility. You may create and use both a numerical
serial number (which can be incremented by subsequent runs of CreateSN.exe)
or an alphanumeric string (including letters, digits, punctuation marks and
If there is in the working directory for the project at hand a file called
serialno.dat, CreateSN.exe will attempt to increment a numerical serial
number up to nine (9) digits by one number. For example, if the serialno.dat
file contains the number 10001, running CreateSN from the command line will
change serialno.dat to 10002. If serialno.dat contains characters other
than digits, or contains a digital sequence greater than 9 in length, or
is a numerical serial number file created or modified by a text editor
(rather than CreateSN.exe itself), a message will report that the sequence
cannot be incremented.
If a serialno.dat file is not found in the current directory, CreateSN.exe
will prompt you for a beginning serial number. You may enter either a
numerical sequence or any alphanumeric string up to 34 characters in length.
Only if you intend to have CreateSN increment the sequence later must you
limit the length and content to 9 digits or less, with no letters, spaces or
punctuation marks.
After appropriate entry of a new sequence or an increment of an existing
sequence, CreateSN.exe will indicate successful completion and display the
new serialno.dat file typed to the screen for verification. The serialno.dat
is now ready for use by AppendSN.exe.
To use AppendSN.exe, you type at the DOS prompt:
appendsn <filename.exe>
and press <enter>, where <filename.exe> is the actual copy of the .exe file
you wish to serialize. We provide a practice file in this package,
sample.exe, for purposes of trying the append and search/read operations.
(You may wish to retain an unchanged copy of the original sample.exe for
evaluating various serialization sequences and the resulting appends.)
If there exists in the current directory an appropriate serialno.dat file,
AppendSN.exe will read the sequence therein. If the sequence consists of
34 or less characters in length, AppendSN.exe will append that sequence to
the end of the .exe file named as the required command line parameter. (If
serialno.dat contains a sequence in excess of 34 characters, an appropriate
message will display, accompanied by an exit to the system prompt.)
For example, if the serialno.dat file contains the sequence of digits 10002,
and you execute
appendsn sample.exe <enter>
then 10002 will be appended to the end of sample.exe. Should the serialno.dat
file contain the sequence: 10002 John C. Smith, then that exact sequence
will be appended to sample.exe. A serialno.dat file containing "Property of
XYZ Corp." will cause that string to be appended to sample.exe.
You may use as a filename for appending purposes a complete pathname (up to
80 characters); i.e.,
appendsn a:\subdir\sample.exe <enter>
DOS wildcard characters (i.e., *.exe) are not permitted, however; single
filenames must be used with each append. The serialno.dat file must be
located in the directory that is current, not the target directory.
After successful completion of the append, AppendSN.exe will note that with
an appropriate message.
The third utility in the Visible::Serialization set is SearchSN.exe. You
may use SearchSN.exe to search/verify an .exe for a serial string. If you
take the original, unserialized copy of sample.exe and type
searchsn sample.exe <enter>
you should receive a message stating "Serial number not found."
If the .exe file has been initialized with a serial number sequence by
using AppendSN.exe (as above), then the results will be a partial dump
of that area of the .exe showing our program name followed by the appended
serialization sequence. There may also be a few garbage characters or
other text displayed as well, but these should not interfere with the reading
or verification of the true serialization sequence. There are, however,
infrequent instances in which an executable's serialization sequence may be
improperly displayed; see the appropriate paragraphs on SearchSN.exe in the
Notes & Precautions section, below.
You may use as a filename for searching purposes a complete pa